Articles found
Sautéed skewer with pork livers and onion
Juicy pork livers and sautéed onion. This dish is very popular in Czech. Serve with tartar sauce.
2019-01-12 | Section: Typical Czech Recipes | Comments: 0
Smoked pork soup with hulled barley
Typical Czech soup suitable for winter time. It tastes perfect and is hearty enough.
2019-02-09 | Section: Typical Czech Recipes | Comments: 5
Spaghetti with cockles and shrimps
This dish brings me memories of first holiday with my fiancé. It is full of flavours. Amazing! Taste it!
2019-03-10 | Section: Fish and seafood | Comments: 0
Homemade spread butter with chives
Spread butter is the typical Czech product. We call "pomazankove maslo". The preparation isn't difficult.
2019-04-14 | Section: Typical Czech Recipes | Comments: 20
Easy roasted pumpkin soup with cream
Fine, strong, slightly sweet and creamy soup. Ideally use the Hokkaido pumpkin.
2019-05-26 | Section: Soups | Comments: 0
Spaghetti with tomatoes, arugula and Parmesan
Simple dish for while, when you don't have much time. Vegetarian dish. Full of flavours.
2019-11-10 | Section: Salad and pasta | Comments: 0
Pork collar in red wine with cranberries
I cook this recipe very often. It's not because I can't cook anything else. It's because this recipe is amazing!
2019-12-29 | Section: Pork meat | Comments: 0
Sweet red wine sauce with cranberries
This sauce fits perfect to every grilled or sautéed meat, or to cheeses. So I put separate recipe here.
2019-12-29 | Section: Appetizer, spread, dip | Comments: 0